Monday, December 03, 2012

Avoiding the Mundane

So, now that I've decided I'm a blogger again, I'm running into that awful thing I like to call "Twitter Syndrome", where I have to fight to not write about every little thing that happens to me. 

All morning I've been quelling internal insanity like, "I'm eating salmon cream cheese!  Gotta blog it.", "Awww, kitty is cute!  Gotta blog it.", "WTF is my stupid neighbor yelling about now? Gotta blog it, gotta blogit, gottablogit.", etc., etc.,.

The truth is that this is a typical Monday and nothing much worth talking about, except for the progress that "my band" is making on one of our songs (which is awesome), and the fact that I dropped salmon cream cheese on my keyboard just now, and kitty promptly jumped up to eat it (which is exactly what I would have done).

1 comment:

Jess said...

You don't want to hear about my Chocolate chip kielbasa nonfat latte that I whipped up? Man, you take the fun out of things. ;)